Can you mount a TV above an electric fireplace?

You’ve been scrolling Instagram and Pinterest and seen loads of amazing media centres with a TV above an electric fireplace looking amazing, but what do you need to consider when mounting a TV above a fire? Feature walls with a TV above a fireplace are really popular right now, they look great and save space making the room look and feel bigger. A media centre means you don’t need to split your best focus points, your TV, and your amazing fire, you can put them both on a feature wall. This can easily be done yourself as a DIY project but you do need to consider how you do this.

What to consider when hanging a TV over a fireplace?

Your TV is often a very expensive purchase so you need to make sure you secure it safely. Your TV needs to be safe from heat damage and secured properly to the wall or false wall.

Mounting your TV

When choosing to mount your TV you need to take into consideration these things.

  • Size of the TV – the bigger the TV the further you will need to be for comfortable viewing so think about how big your room is
  • Height of the mount -if you mount the TV too high you will need to strain your neck to watch, make sure you think about this when choosing the height
  • Secure TV bracket – make sure you buy a secure TV bracket that is meant for the size and weight of your TV, some manufacturers have their own recommendations
  • Wires – think about wires and access to the plugs, some new homes will be wired with a TV cable, or you can build a false wall to hide unsightly cables.

Choosing your fireplace

You cannot just put a TV above any fireplace, for example, a log burner or open gas fire would give off a lot of multidirectional heat that may damage your TV. Most electric fires are suitable to be placed under a TV as they are 100% energy efficient and the heat comes from the front or the bottom of the fire so your TV will be safe.

  • Choose an electric fireplace that isn’t too small or too big for the TV, they shouldn’t compete for attention.
  • Choose a flame colour that will compliment your interior design either complimenting your tones or a contrasting colour to make an impact.
  • Consider where your plugs are, you will need plugs for your TV and your electric fireplace, so make sure you have access to these
  • Consider the surroundings, many of our fireplaces sit nicely in an electric fire suite that looks very impressive as part of a media centre.

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